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Scenes from the Rally

April 19, 2011

Stranger in a Strange Land.
That’s how I felt at Saturday’s Tea Party Rally in Madison.
What struck me the most was not the speeches, or the musical entertainment, or the stories, or even Sarah Palin.
What struck me the most was the passion.
The passion of those who support the Tea Party.
The passion of those who were there to demonstrate against the Tea Party.
The cheering and jeering. 
The applause and the drums and the cowbells and the chanting.
Our greatest freedom as Americans is that we get to freely and passionately speak our minds.
And believe me, all kinds of people were freely and passionately speaking their minds on Saturday.
I believe that an informed voter should understand all sides.
An informed voter should listen to the opposition.
So I went and listened.
I listened to the 14-year-old girl who talked about the importance of paying off America’s debts.
And I listened to the small business owners who shared their stories of standing up to “union thugs.”
I even listened to Sarah Palin.
And all the while (every single moment of the rally) I listened to protestors chanting and yelling.
And I thought, once again, that only in America could these two things be going on simultaneously.
I wondered about those protestors.
About their passion.
About what they were hoping to accomplish with all that yelling and shouting and jeering.
The rally went on just as planned, despite their best efforts.
But then I thought, maybe, just maybe, all they really wanted was a chance to publicly say, “I don’t agree with this.”
And they had every right to say it*.
Just like the Tea Party members had a right to stand on the state’s Capitol steps and talk about their agenda.
Because this is America.
Land of the Free.



*Except during the Star Spangled Banner.  I hated that the protestors shouted through the singing of our National Anthem.

I Heart Magnets (especially handmade ones!)

April 18, 2011

Hi Friends!

I have to confess:  I have a wee little obsession with magnets.  My fridge is covered with them.  I love to buy a magnet from each of the different cities I visit.  They always make me grin.  A couple of weeks ago I saw an easy tutorial on  How About Orange about making your own super-glossy magnets.  It was love at first sight.  I couldn’t get those little cuties out of my mind.  So Emily and I headed out to Joann to stock up on wooden disks, a pack of magnets and a bottle of Mod Podge Dimensional Glue.  Then I invited a couple of crafty gals on over to make some magnet fun.  I may or may not have gotten a little bit out of control with this craft.  Needless-to-say, I made a whole big bunch of magnets.  The magnets above were made with rub-ons.  The ones below were made with vintage maps:

My friend, Jess, made this cute Vegas magnet:

I plan on giving this set to Jack’s teacher at the end of the year:

This project is completely simple.  I think the hardest part was finding where they kept the Dimensional Glue at Joanne.  The directions on the bottle tell you not to shake it before you use it.  If you do, you will end up with air bubbles (I think you can see an example of this above). If you glue your picture onto the wooden disk, make sure to let it dry completely before you cover it with the dimensional glue.  I found it helpful to hot glue the magnet onto the back of the disk before I started on the decorating part.  That way you have something to hold onto when you’re adding the dimensional glue.    Even after covering every possible wooden circle I could find, I still had plenty of glue left over for future projects.

Happy Crafting!



I’m linking up with Heather again this week at Life Made Lovely!

Late to the Party!

April 16, 2011

Hello, Friends!

How is it that I am the last person on earth to discover Mindy Gledhill and her beautiful voice?  Have you heard her Anchor CD?  Why, it is simply lovely.  Truly.  I bought it last week and I can’t get enough of it.  Every song is meaningful and Mindy’s voice is nothing short of angelic. 

The title song, Anchor, literally makes my heart squeeze.  It completely captures how I feel about John.

“When all the world is spinning ‘round
Like a red balloon way up in the clouds
And my feet will not stay on the ground
You anchor me back down.”

Oh, and Hourglass?   It makes me want to weep.  I’m pretty sure it was written for her son, but I can’t help thinking about my own children who keep insisting on growing up.

“Little boy, when you speak
I can’t help but kiss your cheeks
I love the way you grab my hands
And tell me all about your plans

Rocket high, comets fly
You and I could take a ride
And fly away to Neverland
And give our best to Peter Pan

When you reach for the stars
Don’t forget who you are
And please don’t turn around and grow up way too fast
See the sand in my grasp
From the first to the last
Every grain becomes a memory of the past
Oh, life’s an hourglass
Life’s an hourglass

Story’s read, prayer is said
Close your eyes sleepyhead
While angels linger in your dreams
And hold you in their feathered wings
Just like you, I was small
Not that long ago at all.”

 Oh, friends!  You need to check out this album.  It’s not too late:  you can join the party, too!



Picture found on Mindy’s fabulous blog.

Favorite Memories Friday//Honeymoon in Jamaica

April 15, 2011

Hello, Friends!

As hard as it is to believe, it’s almost been 20 years since our *magical* honeymoon in Jamaica.  John and I spent our first week as man and wife at Sandal’s Dunn’s River, where they catered to our every whim and fancy.  We played in the clear blue/green ocean, competed in hokey newlywed games, and sat under the star-filled sky and talked about our dreams for our future.

One night we boarded a charter boat and went snorkeling.  Before we jumped overboard, our guide asked if we wanted life jackets or not.  I wasn’t sure, so I consulted with John who assured me that I was a strong swimmer and didn’t need a life jacket.   For future reference, when someone offers you a life jacket, go ahead and take it.  Those waters were super choppy.  Oh, and FYI, coral is not a good place to perch on for a quick rest while you catch your breath.  On the plus side, look how cute our underwater picture looks!  We managed to smile and everything! : )

And the food!  Oy!  We ate and ate and ate!  What I remember most was all the fresh fruit–all you cared to eat at every single meal.  Yum!

I’m so glad I have a picture from toga night!  I doubt I will ever get John to wear a pink toga again.

One of the highlights of the whole week was climbing the waterfall.  It was slippery and scary and deliciously-fun all at the same time.

I also loved waterskiing.  I had never managed to get up on waterskis before our honeymoon, but I had the world’s best instructors who guaranteed that I would be skiing in no time.  After a few quick lessons in the boat, I got up the very first time!  You know what else was great?  The couple’s massage the day after I waterskied for the first time.  I’m pretty sure that was the best massage I’ve ever received.  My lady spoke no English, but she managed to find every single sore spot on my body! 

John and I also played golf together for the first time on our honeymoon.  Did you know they make left-handed clubs?  Well I didn’t.  By the time I completed the 6 miles necessary to get to the golf course, go back and swap out my clubs and then trek back to the course, I had sort of lost my enthusiasm for playing golf.  But I played anyway, because, you know, it was our honeymoon and all.  : ) 

My memories of Jamaica are warm and wonderful.  I think about them when I smell coconut, or hear Bob Marley.  It was a beautiful place to start our life together.



First Stop

April 14, 2011

Hi Friends!

You know how after the Super Bowl they ask the MVP, “You’ve just won the Super Bowl, where are you going next?” and the MVP says, “I’m going to Disney World!” like it’s exactly where he’s dreamed of going the following day?  Well, that’s kind of how I feel today.   Yesterday I ditched the crutches and today I’m going to get my hair done.  And let me tell you, there’s no place I’d rather go today!!  Oy!  The hair’s a mess.  I can only imagine what my stylist, Sarah, is going to think!   The good news is she’s super-nice and I’m pretty sure she’ll tell me it’s not as bad as I think, and keep the “Holy cow!  I’ve got my work cut out for me today!” on the inside.  : )

See you when I’m no longer old and gray!  : )



This Boot Was Made For Walking

April 13, 2011

Hi Friends!

Great news:   I’m done with life as a one-legged woman!  Woo-Hoo!!  That’s right:  today is the first day in 8 weeks (!) that I have two feet planted firmly on the ground.  I am beyond excited to be done with crutches.  And scooting down the stairs on my bottom.  And not being able to carry anything.  I tell you what;  I was down-right giddy about carrying my own dirty clothes down the stairs to the laundry this morning (something I never in a million years thought I would ever say!).  I’ve still got to take it very easy–I need to continue wearing a walking boot (which is definitely not as cute as the ones pictured above), and I can’t do anything crazy yet, but I’m thrilled just knowing that I will be able to get a little bit crazy in the near future!  : )  Right now the foot feels pretty good, but my ankle feels a little bit wobbly.  I can definitely tell I haven’t used it in two months.  

I feel so, so blessed to have had so much help during this long healing process.  John and the kids went above and beyond, for sure.  Between Buster’s recovery and mine, they really had to pick up a lot of slack.  Christy was there in the early days (Florence!), and Amy held my hand through the really rough days.  My Bible Study ladies kept us all well-fed and Denise and Tony and Isabella helped me through the last few days.  So many complete strangers helped carry things, and held doors for me and gave up their seats.  I am filled-t0-the-brim with gratitude for each and every kind gesture. 

I learned a whole big bunch about myself in the last 8 weeks.  I can ask for help.  I can accept help.  I slowed down.  I said, “No, I can’t right now.”  When I look back over the last eight weeks, I definitely remember the low points, but what stands out are so many of the high points.

I am one step closer to dancing.

But today, I’m just celebrating the first few steps.

Life is good.



Best Monday Ever!

April 12, 2011

Hi Friends!

Do you see that absolutely adorable little munchkin?  That’s Isabella, my Goddaughter.  I love her a whole, big bunch.  She is, hands down, the most pleasant child I have ever been around.  She is sunshine and hugs and giggles and happiness all rolled into one fantastic little person.  Yesterday we got to play together all day.  My kiddos had to go to school, so I didn’t even have to share her with anyone!  I took her on scooter rides (little kids love my scooter!), and we went out to lunch and then we played in my craft room.  I broke out the paints and a few blank canvases and let her create. 

She painted this butterfly for her mommy:

And she painted this flower for me:

I absolutely LOVE it!  It makes my heart happy.  I can’t wait  to hang it on the wall in my craft space.

Isabella left about an hour ago.  I already miss her (and her parents!) way too much!  Hurry back, friends!



Playing With Isabella

April 11, 2011

Hi Friends!

I am busy playing with my *adorable* Goddaughter, Isabella, and her fabulous mom and dad today!

Hope you get to play a little today, too!



Super-fun picture from Brown Eyed Fox (a wonderful blog filled with AWESOME pictures!).  Find it (here)


April 9, 2011

I love this quote.  Love it.

I’m a firm believer that people are responsible for their own happiness. 

Choose happiness!



Fabulous quote from (here)

Favorite Memories Friday//Coffee With Christy

April 8, 2011

Week #2  Coffee with Christy

A couple of years ago, my sister, Christy, came up for a long weekend to help me celebrate my birthday.   I loved having her stay past Sunday because that meant I would get some “just the two of us” time.  As soon as we dropped the kiddos off at school, we headed downtown to my favorite little coffee shop, Brewed Awakenings.  Over cups of vanilla chai and cappuccino, she and I generated lists.  Of the two of us, I am definitely the most corny and sentimental.  That being said, I can usually talk Christy into pretty much anything.  On this day, I really wanted to write down a list of our favorite shared memories, something we could look back on and laugh over when we were old and gray.  We shared plenty of big laughs as we tried to narrow down a lifetime of memories into a “Top Ten.”  I’m sure I will eventually write about each and every one of our Top Ten Memories at some point in the future. 

When we finished that list, I talked her into coming up with a “Thelma and Louise” list–our version of the “Bucket List.”  I’m a firm believer that if you write down your goals, you are more likely to accomplish them.  Well, as you can see, we came up with some doozies.  I’m not sure we’ll ever actually go hang gliding together, or be willing to take bikini pictures together (really?),  but I am hopeful we can make a pottery class work, and I dream about that little shanty in Aruba.  The good news is that we’ve already accomplished “New York in the Spring.”  The really good news?  Check out that last one.  Yup.  It’s going to happen 9/1/12.  And I’m pretty sure we’ll be creating a whole big bunch of new favorite memories on the way to that date!

I loved our morning together, reliving good memories and dreaming about future fun.



PS  This list was actually written in October 2009 (I put it in the book in January 2010–not sure why I dated it like that).  The handwriting is Christy’s.  Isn’t it awesome?